Saturday, February 4, 2017

6 Months

Sam and Will here! We are SIX months old.  Time is going by so fast.  We are growing fast, over 16lbs, but will get the official numbers on Monday when we see our doctor for shots!

We are so wiggly and love exploring everything!

We are both teething hardcore and love chewing on our hands.

Even though I'm teething, I love my naps and mom and dad have said that I love to talk in my sleep!

We are eating all sorts of foods.  Mae and June love it because they get to lick our fingers and faces! We love splashing in the tub.  Mom got us an Ottero, which makes bath time SO much fun!

Mom had a follow up with her doctor and brought us with.  We think there was some sort of mix up and she had to have another Kadcyla infusion (her numbers were fine, so why not?)  The pharmacy took forever to get moms meds, but we were so good and all of the nurses had a blast snuggling us.

**My next followup with my doctor is in March and now I am strictly on my daily pill to keep any stray hormones out of my body**  I do have a brain MRI on February 16th to make sure my pesky freckle is the only thing in there, besides a brain.  So positive vibes and prayers are appreciated for a clear/stable scan!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed. Healthy, happy, a magnificent husband, two count um two gorgeous baby boys, a beautiful home to contain all that love, a wonderful job, a big loving extended family and friends that love and support you. May your karma continue to bring you and your family all the happiness you so earned.
